I needed to listen to a recording of a class I missed before the next session tomorrow but I was in absolutely no mood to do it. Didn't want to work my brain after a long, tedious day at work. Didn't want to hear one more person talking to me. So, at first I delayed by picking some apples from our trees (I was just going to do a quick batch of applesauce) but then I got an idea and decided to make apple pies from scratch. Very slowly.

I played the lecture on my laptop on the counter next to me while I carefully and methodically peeled and sliced and sprinkled and stirred and poured and mixed and rolled and cut and placed and crimped. Even went the extra step of pre-cooking the apples of the second pie before putting them in the crust.

The lecture was very long. Two hours. Normally I'd have both pies done in half that time. But, you know, these pies look amazing! (Glazing the crust with egg white and then sprinkling with sugar is a must-do step I too often forget.)

Methodically slogging my way through that which I do not want to do by simultaneously doing something I do enjoy just may be my new favorite method to motivate myself to keep on keeping on.