Saturday, January 1, 2022

[New post] latest_1_2_22

nemonemini posted: ""

[New post] Online texts/downloads

nemonemini posted: "Postcapitalist Futures: The Last Revolution The_Last_Revolution_Postcapitalist_ Futures_ver_FNL_5xa_12_27_21 Decoding World History decoding-world-history-ed-1_6dcdx Descent of Man Revisited 9780984702909_Descent_of_Man_Revisited(3) Democratic_Market_Ne"

[New post] The Last Revolution 5xa_12_27_21

nemonemini posted: " The_Last_Revolution_Postcapitalist_ Futures_ver_FNL_5xa_12_27_21 "

[New post] some recent posts…

nemonemini posted: " History beyond theory as chronologies of 'evolutionary' sequenc"

[New post] Decoding World History: The Eonic Effect

nemonemini posted: "Decoding World History ED 1_6dcdx Decoding World History  ( a presentation of the data for the so-called 'eonic effect' and the hidden process of historical 'evolution'. It can dispel the ideological muddle of curren"

[New post] Descent of Man Revisited

nemonemini posted: "9780984702909_Descent_of_Man_Revisited(3) I am both pleased and puzzled by the success of this book with thousands of downloads: published in 2012 using Adobe Lightening Print and created with the remarkable, and for its time revolutionary software "

The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...