Using that same old, fear tactics of if the Communists take over, we will all have it, hard, as if living under the REIGN of TERROR of the DDP isn't, any different, and we the people are, still, buying into, the DDP's, L-I-E-S, because we the people are, too, FUCKING (don't pardon me!) retarded, and we'd been, enslaved by the political party too god damn long to know, how to FIGHT back! Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…
For seven WHOLE years on end, the DDP went from "Fighting off China to protect Taiwan", to "peacefully protecting Taiwan", waving that banner of having rights over the land, that we're on equal basis with China, and yet, the corrupt political party continued using the ideologies to manipulate the election results, and this deeply affected the every day lives of the people. From the south to the north, rather than saying, that the upsets of we the people are, slow-cooking inside the pot, more closely, it's "our upsets burned dry", those who can leave, prepared themselves to leave, those who'd stayed, we'd, stopped, cussing them out, no complaints, no objections or protests, we can't, expect those better days of economic wellbeing back again, we just, don't want to, get, retaliated against.
Before the presidential election of 2020, the government of Tsai in the Hong Kong movement, started, painting that picture of a sense of an ending of Taiwan, allowing the party and her, to win big, with 8.17 million votes total; the nine-in-one of last year, the DDP lost big, because the "magic hand" of "Against China to protect Taiwan" wore off in the effects. Ninety-seven days to the presidential election next year, the Israeli-Hama's war once again, reawakened the senses of crisis between China and Taiwan.
More and more citizens are leaving with their families to immigrate, readying themselves for "if war is to happen, then, we will escape in time"; the investments and imports had halted, due to the fears of war between Taiwan and China.
As the relations of Taiwan and China went to the deep freeze, the Taiwanese businesspeople who'd not returned, were labeled by the side wings of the DDP as "selling Taiwan out"; as they'd finally found another market, they'd realized, that they still couldn't get away in the means of Taiwan-China relations. The government reiterated "don't put all the eggs in one basket", in actuality, getting a bigger and better market than China didn't go as, expected. The new "Southbound" plan was, a total, BUST.
Couldn't dissolve the problems externally now, and we're faced with not having enough workers to work, the cost of things we need, hiking up higher and higher in recent years, from before, the Taiwanese businesses can turn southward, but due to the pandemic, the chains of production shortened, the costs of shipping rose up, causing the industries to face the never-before challenges, and the policies for employment here didn't get adjusted either, the number of runaway migrant workers still at an all-time high, this resulted in the shortage of workers in the industries, everything is, connected.
The sharp decline of number of tourists from China, the banned produces, the government used the huge chunk of budget to give to these industries, and the industries became, silenced; let's not forget, that since China banned the groupers, the proposal of Tsai's "every classroom with groupers on the lunch menu" that's cost a total of six hundred million dollars N.T. in the taxpayers' taxes. The challenges that are more difficult than ever for these industries, the new markets that lacked the developmental outlooks, became, the extra victims of the border lining politics of the DDP government.
And, this is how the DDP's defying China have an adverse effect on the economy, as well as people's, lives here, because the DDP government played that card that appeased to us that if China invaded us, we will be living in a world, where our voices would NEVER get, heard again, and that's what the DDP's counting on, the people's fears, and, we are, allowing this, imagined fear to take us over, which helped the DDP gain more control over the country. Just take a look at the past eight whole years, had the economy gotten better? Hell no, in fact, it's getting, worse, and we still hadn't hit that, rock bottom, Y-E-T. And, we will have, hit that, rock bottom, and there's no way to go, not even upward, if the DDP gets, re-elected to take control of the entire, island again.