Wednesday, March 1, 2023

I Banned My Kid From Snapchat

Mar. 1, 2023

I Banned My Kid From Snapchat, & Oh Boy The Blowback Was Rough

Like the rest of us, Vanessa Kroll Bennett is always walking the line with her kids and tech. She knows that it's important to monitor and guide their use, but she also knows it's a way for them to keep in touch with friends, which particularly matters for teens and preteens. So she was in a pickle when she discovered her son had downloaded Snapchat behind her back. She admits: "I should have been tipped off that this subterfuge was imminent when he asked me a series of questions like: Will I be grounded if I download Snapchat? Will you take my phone away if I do? How often do you check the apps on my phone? (Clearly, I was extremely distracted.)"

Obviously, she was not happy. But her son's response caught her off guard. It's worth a read.

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor

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Should You Pull Your Kid Out Of Standardized Testing? The Pros & Cons

Once anti-test, I now recognize that it depends on the kid and the family.

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Yes, Your Teen Is Gaslighting You — Here Are The Red Flags, Say Psychologists

Raise your hand if your teen (or preteen!) has told you "You're crazy" or "You're just being paranoid."

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Here's What It Means Now That Gov. Ron DeSantis Is Taking Over The Disney District

The Florida governor signed a bill to end a special tax district encompassing Walt Disney World.

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Yes, Kids Should Absolutely Help With Their Younger Siblings

I just love this story from Alexandra Frost about one of her kids helping his younger brother: "I watched my older son, age 8, head into his brother's room, age 4 — unprompted! — and fully outfit him in football spirit gear for school, ahead of a big NFL game coming up in our town. They both came out beaming with pride at their accomplishment." She's got an important point, too. Give it a read and think about how you could provide the big sibs in your house with similar opportunities.

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What We're Reading
I Wasn't Ready To Date After Divorcing My Husband. Then I Met A Woman & Lost All Composure.
How To Hurry Up A Slow Kid Who Keeps Dawdling
How I Support My Child in the Face of Utah's Ban on Gender-Affirming Health Care
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