Sunday, October 31, 2021

[New post] Beyond Belief – Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Writing & Photography by David K. Carpenter posted: " Continuing our series on apologetics (enabling Followers of Christ to explain their faith and helping those earnestly seeking answers to life's big questions to understand how God has answered them), today I'm going to focus on Jesus himself. Since he's "

[New post] latest_11_1_21

nemonemini posted: ""

[New post] Postcapitalist futures: online texts

nemonemini posted: " Postcapitalist_Futures_The_Last_Revolution_ver17abx Decoding World History_ED19780984702909_Descent_of_Man_Revisited(3) 9780984702930-LFM_text(2) Toward a New Communist Manifesto_jlandon_kindle_10_11_16_PDF_ver2Democratic_Market_Neo_Communism_ver_5"

[New post] Descent of Man Revisited

nemonemini posted: "9780984702909_Descent_of_Man_Revisited(3) "

The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...