Tuesday, September 27, 2022

[New post] Settling in when you are road weary:

Who The Hell Let Kids' Birthday Parties Get So Out Of Control?

Who The Hell Let Kids' Birthday Parties Get So Out Of Control?
Samm Davidson has a bone to pick, with herself as much as anybody else: "We live at a time where extravagant and extreme parties are littered all over our social media feeds, on our televisions, and in magazines…. So here I am, exhausted and strung out, pleading that we all make a pact to chill out with our kids' birthday parties." 

I say throw a backyard party with paper cups and pizza and call it an '80s party. Bam, you're done. 

Save me a piece of cake, 

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor
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This Woman Gifted A Bottle Of Champagne For A One Year Old's Birthday And Divided The Internet
Sounds like a great gift to me. A one-year-old is too little to care! Read More
Charcuterie Boards Have Had Their Moment — It's The Butter Board's Time Now
A giant slab of butter drizzled in hot honey? Yes, please.  Read More
George Clooney Raves About His 'Magical' Marriage To Amal Clooney
The pair have been married for eight years. Read More
Yes, The Days Are Long And The Years Are Short, But That Doesn't Make It Any Easier
We've got something fun on the site today: an excerpt from Kelly Ripa's new book, Live Wire: Long-Winded Short Stories. It's a snippet where she reflects on her empty nest, remembering her days in the little-kid trenches. My favorite bit, the part that made me laugh in recognition? Making on-the-fly edits to the particularly grim bits of fairy tales: "I started making small edits here and there to make it a little more 'child-friendly.'" Click through to read what bothered her, and see if you agree.
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What We're Reading
Searching For Home As A Lifelong Renter
How To Talk To Kids About Hurricanes And Scary Weather
Sibling Rivalry: How To Prevent Long-Term Consequences
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[New post] What To Do When There’s a Shortage in Baby Formula

WoMo Newsletter: Tuesday 27th September 2022

Hey WoMos

Dear WoMos

I hope you had a good couple of weeks. Since the last newsletter, it has been a bit busy in the UK it seems. The funeral for the Queen was a huge event watched by over 4 billion people. Despite living in London, I decided to put it on the television at home. The sheer volume of people in London was extreme, and I could hear the helicopters overhead all day. My eldest daughter went up to the Cromwell Road to watch the coffin pass and said the atmosphere was really special. Whether you watched it at home or braved the streets, I hope you had a good day.  My 6 year old had plenty of questions about death, which I did my best to answer. I'm not sure I pitched it all at the right level but I am a fan of being as open and honest we possible.

The last couple of days have been terrible for the pound. And I am not normally one to get into politics or financial markets, but I felt we couldn't brush over it. With the rise in fuel prices and the pound through the floor, we will all be feeling extra stress. I have no special words of advice other than I am thinking of families everywhere, juggling kids, work and the pressure of making ends meet.

This week we have a blog for those of you who are thinking of setting up your own business without relying on e-commerce.
We are now selling tickets to our next red tent event in January and we would love for you to join us.

Please remember to introduce us to your employer.  We want to have a chat with your Head of HR or Diversity & Inclusion lead on how to retain female talent.  

Sending love WoMos.


Are you thinking of setting up your own small business but don't want to rely solely on e-commerce?  We have some suggestions of business ideas with a little more client interaction.
Click here to read more >>>


A Red Tent creates a safe space for women to come as they are and just be. Hosted quarterly, on the new moon, this is an opportunity for women to come along, meet other women, and come home to yourself. We will start with a discussion from:

Elizabeth Cowper, Founder/CEO of Ludo
Geeta Sidhu-Robb, CEO & Founder Nosh Detox and 5 time winner of Entrepreneur and Businesswoman of the Year Award.

Join us on 19th January at the Fair Shot Cafe, South Molton Street, London.


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The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...