Saturday, September 11, 2021

[New post] Life is like a sandwich ..!

Dawn posted: " Today I am going to talk about Suicide. A topic which no one likes as it creates a dead air. And, I think we must talk about it because that's the only way out of it. For me, suicide starts when someone kills their wishes inside their heart. One by"

[New post] Fall Reset

creatinghomewithtina posted: "Back-to-School this year has been such an adjustment after being in this pandemic over a year and half. I'm still adjusting to having three children,  and now two are in school!? I realize now more than ever that I need to establish some new Fall season ""

[New post] 1359

canadianpicturebookblog posted: " "I brought it to work and shared it with coworkers the very next day after reading it." -Me (am I allowed to quote myself from my own review? Ha!)There is so, so much to love about Hold That Thought! By Bree Galbraith. It is artistic. It is thoughtful. I"

The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...