Saturday, September 11, 2021

[New post] Life is like a sandwich ..!

Dawn posted: " Today I am going to talk about Suicide. A topic which no one likes as it creates a dead air. And, I think we must talk about it because that's the only way out of it. For me, suicide starts when someone kills their wishes inside their heart. One by"

[New post] Fall Reset

creatinghomewithtina posted: "Back-to-School this year has been such an adjustment after being in this pandemic over a year and half. I'm still adjusting to having three children,  and now two are in school!? I realize now more than ever that I need to establish some new Fall season ""

[New post] 1359

canadianpicturebookblog posted: " "I brought it to work and shared it with coworkers the very next day after reading it." -Me (am I allowed to quote myself from my own review? Ha!)There is so, so much to love about Hold That Thought! By Bree Galbraith. It is artistic. It is thoughtful. I"

I Thought I Knew What Happens During A Miscarriage.

I was wrong. Jan. 24, 2025 Kseniya Ovchinnikova/Moment/Getty Images still processing I Thought I Knew What Happens During A Miscarri...