Back-to-School this year has been such an adjustment after being in this pandemic over a year and half. I'm still adjusting to having three children,  and now two are in school!? I realize now more than ever that I need to establish some new Fall season "rhythms" or routines for my sanity, and also for the family. But before I can do that I need to hit the "reset" button, a Fall Reset, as we enter into this new season.

I believe that God gives us new seasons for many reasons:

  • to pause, reflect and pray
  • to adapt and grow as we transition into each new season
  • to give us perspective when going through a tough season, to know it won't last forever
  • to embrace and be grateful during an abundant season
  • And, ultimately to grow our hope, faith and trust in Him
"When you accept the fact that sometimes seasons are dry and times are hard and that God is in control of both, you will discover a sense of divine refuge, because the hope then is in God and not in yourself." Charles R. Swindoll

I wrote a post back in Spring, click here to see read it to help guide you in creating your Fall Reset. I've also created a blank template here you can print out and use to answer those questions.

Fall Reset Checklist

Fall Reset Checklist

Some things that are on my list:

  • Move MORE (I'm in the process of researching local barre and yoga studios now that many are open and running again, but I also need to get back on my bike and organize my garage for a small home workout area)
  • My husband and I switched to a plant based diet, with an occasional meal with fish.
  • I signed up for a Women's group at my church, it will be a book study on Love + Respect
  • There's ALWAYS plenty to purge and re-organize in my home. Kids are still growing like crazy, so I sort items into these categories: sell, giveaway, keep/organize. My most recent projects:
    • powder room remodel and reorganizing everything in the original cabinet
    • creating a kids shoe, backpack, snack pack area in the garage (since we don't have a mudroom
    • family room/play room redesign
  • My husband and I started playing a bit of pickleball.
  • I've created a podcast rotation list. Here are some of my favorites:

As we inch closer to Fall, I hope you have the opportunity to create your Fall reset and establish some new rhythms that help equip you and your family during this season!

xo Tina


Some Bible Verses on Time or Seasons:

Genesis 8:22

Psalm 104:19

Acts 14:17

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Galatians 6:9