Monday, August 8, 2022

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Yes, My 9 Year Old Still Sleeps With Me. Deal.

Scary Mommy
Aug 08, 2022
Yes, My 9 Year Old Still Sleeps With Me. Deal.
Today, we've got a piece from our very own editor-in-chief, Kate Auletta, about a hot-button issue: sleep. Specifically, where the kids sleep and for how long. 

She writes: "We didn't intentionally start co-sleeping, and what we do isn't really co-sleeping, anyway, but that's what it's come to. To be clear, both of my children have their own, very comfortable beds in their own rooms. But somewhere along the way they just found their way into our bed. And they've stayed there." 

Maybe that sounds familiar – or maybe it sounds like impossible sleeping conditions for you. Check it out. 

— Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor
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An Eighth Grade Class Just Exonerated The Last Witch Of The Salem Witch Trials
[gavel bangs] Case dismissed. Read More
The Ultimate List Of Back-To-School Movies, Broken Down By Age Group
Whether the thought of another academic year fills you with excitement or dread, the world of cinema offers an array of back-to-school movies to curb your nerves. Read More
How Often Should I Take My Dog To The Vet? Veterinarians Weigh In
It turns out the answer isn't so simple — and is probably more often than you'd expect. Read More
I Want A Second Baby, But I'm Terrified

"I want to have another child, I do. But after having our first during the pandemic, I'm seriously questioning whether I have it in me," writes Annie Midori Atherton today, in a thoughtful piece wrestling with one of the biggest questions in parenthood – how many kids? (Hell of a note that COVID-19 has been around so long that some families are already on pandemic baby number 2.) Give it a read and see if you relate.
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What We're Reading
Are You Sure You're Not Guilty Of The 'Millennial Pause'?
Tips To Have The Best Time At Theme Parks
You're Probably Doing Timeouts Wrong
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The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...