Sunday, November 14, 2021

[New post] Penyalipan Dan Penyelundupan Hukum

Redaksi posted: " Oleh: M Rizal Fadillah (Pemerhati Politik dan Kebangsaan) - (MBC) Bandung, Setelah terberitakan pemanggilan Menteri Nadiem oleh Komisi X DPR RI dan dinyatakan bahwa Komisi X tidak pernah mendapat informasi apalag"

[New post] TWO STEPS TO BOX 36 (20042021)

Llúciapm posted: " "

[New post] Home-Based Claims Processing Jobs with Teleperformance

Lisa Mills posted: "Work at Home Mom Revolution - Work at Home Jobs for Moms Teleperformance is hiring home-based claims processing specialists in all U.S. states except: Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington. Training for these home-based claims processing posi"

[New post] Cooking Is My Antidote to Languishing

Claire E. Parsons posted: " I did not know that "languishing" had a clinical meaning until I listened to Adam Grant's interview on the Ten Percent Happier podcast the other day. According to Grant, it's the state between wellness and depression. As a busy lawyer and mom, I imme"

[New post] Best Lines – Rich Dad Poor Dad (Part 3)

apartfromacademics posted: " This blog is about 20 best lines or quotes from this amazing book called "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by "Robert Kiyosaki". This is a super amazing book. This is one of those book which finically literate you in a superbly amazing way. In this book "Robert Kiyosa"

The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...