Thursday, September 15, 2022

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No, My Kid Doesn't Have To Hug You

Scary Mommy
Sep 15, 2022
No, My Kid Doesn't Have To Hug You
Today, we've got an important piece about kids and their right to set their boundaries. An anonymous writer admits: "The truth is, I like affection quite a bit. But it pains me to be touched by anyone I don't trust. In the '80s and '90s, in the context where I was raised, 'boundaries' were never spoken of. If I'd resisted my grandmother at one of those family gatherings, I would have been seen as unnatural, defiant. Not a nice girl." It made her wildly uncomfortable — and so she's doing things differently for her own daughter. 

Food for thought, 

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor
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5 Things You Should Do When Giving Your Kid Their First Cell Phone, According To Experts
Plus, what they say about knowing if your child is ready. Read More
WTF Is AFM? The CDC Says This Rare But Serious Kids' Condition Could Spike In The Fall
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It's A Quetzalcoatlus! Mom Finally Figures Out What The Heck Her Toddler Is Saying
The cute kiddo had been trying to tell his mom what he wants to be for Halloween. Read More
You Don't Just Need Mom Friends — You Need Mom Friends Of All Ages
"One of my besties is twenty two years my senior. Like me, she has three boys, but hers are grown; I call her the Ghost of Christina Future," writes Christina Crawford in this lovely argument for intergenerational mom friendships. Read it and think about how you might forge some unlikely connections.
What We're Reading
Can You Get Hooked on Melatonin?
What Is Restraint Collapse?
How Self-Determination Theory Can Help Parents Raise Independent Kids
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