Tuesday, December 14, 2021

[New post] latest_12_15_21

nemonemini posted: "https://redfortyeight.com/2021/12/15/will-omicron-finally-end-the-covid-19-pandemic/ https://redfortyeight.com/2021/12/15/the-jan-6-insurrection-was-no-fluke-the-republican-party-platform-is-now-the-overthrow-of-the-us-government/ https://redfortyeight.co"

[New post] Online texts/downloads

nemonemini posted: "Postcapitalist Futures: The Last Revolution Postcapitalist_ Futures_Last_Revolution_ver_fnal_1a_12_10_21 Decoding World History decoding-world-history-ed-1_6dcdx Descent of Man Revisited 9780984702909_Descent_of_Man_Revisited(3) Two Manifestos Two Manif"

[New post] The Last Revolution: Postcapitalist Futures //ver_fnl_3xa_12_14_21

nemonemini posted: "Latest Version: The_Last_Revolution_Postcapitalist_ Futures_ver_FNL_3xa_12_14_21 This is the latest version, and has finally produced a mini-manifesto: we both cite the classic Marx/Engels history and then move on. ------------------- decoding-world-his"

[New post] Decoding World History: The Eonic Effect

nemonemini posted: "Decoding World History ED 1_6dcdx Decoding World History  (decodingworldhistory.com)is a presentation of the data for the so-called 'eonic effect' and the hidden process of historical 'evolution'. It can dispel the ideological muddle of curren"

[New post] 9 Ways to Keep Your Joints Healthy and Prevent Pain

wowvermilion posted: " Joints form the connections between your bones. Your joints help support your body weight and allow you to move comfortably.  You use them for everything from bending your leg to nodding your head. Some joints, like the ones in your skull, don't "

This time the Feelgood post WILL work!

Apologies followers - teething troubles, but now solved - my fault entirely ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌    ...