Monday, March 28, 2022

[New post] Update: Nigerian Army rescues passengers on Abuja-Kaduna train bombed by terrorists

VN Official posted: " A passenger on the attacked Abuja-Kaduna train has given an update.   In a post shared on his Facebook page, Anas Danmusa, said some officer have gotten to them and they are safe now.   At about 6pm on Monday evening March 28, the terrorists"

[New post] Will Smith apologizes to Chris Rock after Oscar’s slap

VN Official posted: " Will Smith may have won Best Actor at last night's Academy Awards, but the slap is all anyone can talk about. While presenting the award for Best Documentary Feature, Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Pinkett-Smith's shaved head (due to alopecia) which "

[New post] A Year of Free Comics: PLAGUE MUFFINS may contain the cure you seek

Deanna Destito posted: "London in the 1600s had it rough. The deadly bubonic plague spread quickly and indiscriminately, taking out whole families in a short period of time. Plague doctors were often sent out to help, regardless of income or status. Unfortunately many of them we"

[New post] Activists, lawmakers label Gov. DeSantis ‘coward’ for rushed LGBTQ instruction bill signing

Daniel Figueroa IV posted: "It's only been a few hours since Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the controversial HB 1557 into law, but Equality Florida quickly organized a news conference via zoom to condemn what speakers called a cowardly act. The Governor announced his news conference to "

Let Your Kids Fail

Scary Mommy
Mar 28, 2022
Why I Let My Kids Fail
Kids need room to make mistakes and learn from them; sometimes, you have to let them fall flat on their face, for their own long-term good. That's what Katie Bingham-Smith says in her latest. For instance, she didn't coax her daughter into staying at a part-time job. Instead, she let her quit — and then face the prospect of an empty bank account. Actions, meet consequences. "When our kids struggle, when they have to correct a mistake or they disappoint someone, it hits them harder than if we swoop in and fix it for them. We don't get good at doing hard things if someone else always comes in and saves us." 

— Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor
I'm A Mom With An Autoimmune Disease. There Are No 'Normal Days.'
"What if, on top of this heavy burden of the role you play as a mom, you are carrying an invisible load, a disease that makes even the mundane motherhood tasks feel daunting? Being a mom with an autoimmune disease is like running a race backward." Read More
When You Love Your Partner, But Have A Crush On Someone Else
Can't stop thinking about that one hot dad with the tattoos you see every morning at dropoff, even though you're quite happy with your current situation? No need to panic — allow Katie Arnold-Ratliff to introduce the concept of the Happily Coupled Crush. Read More
Celebrity Moms Of The Oscars Red Carpet
Here's a mom-centric roundup of fashion looks to enjoy while wiping the oatmeal from breakfast off your sweatshirt! Read More
Finding the Perfect Diaper Brand Is Easy Now
Parenting hack! The Babylist Diaper Box offers a great solution to a common issue new parents face: finding the best diaper for their baby. Buying and trying different brands typically means wasted time and money, not to mention lots of unused diapers. But with this box, you can sample three top brands of eco-friendly diapers (and wipes!) to find out what works best for you and your baby. Add this exclusive box to your registry today!
shop now
What Mommy Wants - Shop Now
Swaddle Box
$97.88 $79.99
Sippy Cup Box
$31.97 $26.99
Bottle Box
$53.45 $32.99
Baby Starter Library Box
$49.95 $39.99
The Shape of You: Raising Girls to Love Their Bodies
Today's young girls face a constant stream of messages on how to look, what to eat, how to smile, when to exercise, and even how to dance. Helping our girls balance these images with a body positive outlook is ongoing and full of challenges. In this episode of Live.Work.Thrive, a panel of experts will discuss how we can support our daughters to be confident, happy, and healthy in their bodies. From the way we view ourselves as women to the way we talk about fat, fashion, and food, our girls are listening. Tune in for strategies and tips for helping our girls thrive.
What We're Reading
The Young Moms of TikTok Work Hard to Keep It Light
Make Summer Happen Early: 6 Warm Weather Getaways For the Whole Family
My Toddler Wears a Leash. Here's What It Taught Me About Parenthood.

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This time the Feelgood post WILL work!

Apologies followers - teething troubles, but now solved - my fault entirely ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌     ­ ͏ ‌    ...