Monday, February 20, 2023

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Don't Be A Judgy B If You Don't Wanna Be Judged Back

Feb. 20, 2023

Don't Be A Judgy B If You Don't Wanna Be Judged Back

Here's a useful little reminder for all of us: "I caught myself passing judgment on a teenager the other day. A friend was explaining how her daughter was struggling with anxiety and had been calling her mother at work constantly, feeling so overwhelmed with homework that she wasn't doing it," admits an anonymous writer. Her first thought was: maybe this kid needs some tough love. But then she stopped and remembered something important. You'll want to read this one.

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor

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Americans Are Reacting To A Viral Video Of Norwegian Babies Sleeping Alone Outside

Something reassuring for the next time your kid won't wear a jacket!

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God, The Crap We Used To Watch On TV

If your kids have today off school, I bet the TV is on. (Mine is!) But before you start fretting about the quality of their screen time and whether those YouTube shorts are bad for them, let's take a walk down memory lane with Janine Annett, shall we? Specifically: let's remember our own bad TV. For instance, The Brady Bunch: "Carol and Mike Brady had six kids, one income, and a full-time housekeeper, and no problems that couldn't be resolved in 30 minutes, hahahahahaha." Please read it and enjoy her kid's response to the sick-day classic that was The Price Is Right.

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What We're Reading
Why Do Some Toddlers Love To Be Naked? They Have Their Reasons
The 7 Big Benefits Of Rough-And-Tumble Play With Your Kids
Life Lessons From Disney Movies To Teach Our Kids
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The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...