Monday, May 16, 2022

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I Quit Nagging In The Mornings And It Changed Everything

Scary Mommy
May 16, 2022
I Quit Nagging In The Mornings And It Changed Everything
Sara Pam Neufeld tried so many things to get her kids out of the house on time in the mornings: "Bribery. Taking away spending money. Taking away screen time. Taking away dessert. (I know, you shouldn't do that.) Writing out a minute-by-minute morning routine. (Why can't we ever stick to routines?) Waking them up earlier. Waking them up later so they're not so tired. Going to bed earlier. (Why doesn't that stick, either?)" 

Absolutely none of it worked. So she tried something new: doing nothing. Yes, you can do that! And it had interesting consequences. 

— Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor
My Daughter Isn't Like Me. And I'm Learning To Be Okay With That.
"I'm fine to go out to eat by myself, introduce myself to a stranger, try a new fashion trend no one else in my area is wearing, or look foolish while trying something new. I struggle with the fact that she finds these things so hard and I have to be patient with her." READ MORE
I Should Know This: How Can I *Actually* Cover Dark Circles?
Sleep? What's sleep? READ MORE
What Is Co-Parenting Counseling? Why You Should Seriously Consider This Family Therapy
If your relationship with your ex is strained, this is for you. READ MORE
The Moment I Realized I Need To Have A 'Tech Talk' With My Kid
Ever had one of those moments where you hear something… off… coming from an electronic device in your kid's hands? Today Rachel Pierre writes about the moment she realized she needed to have some in-depth conversations about tech rules with her kid: "I looked at his tablet initially because I heard a woman making noises like she was giving birth!" As she puts it: "They don't warn you about this stuff at the baby shower." They sure don't! Here's what she did next.
What We're Reading
Amid A Nationwide Shortage, Moms Are Using Social Media To Find Each Other Formula
FDA To Release Specific Infant Formulas As Shortage Worsens — Here's How To Get Them
I'm A Motherhood Expert. My Ambivalence Is Normal
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