Guess what? Sunday is the 30th anniversary of the premiere of Friends. (I know. I know!) And in honor of that landmark, we have a fun piece from Sarah Erdreich about the pleasures and perils of rewatching the show with her tween daughter. She sets the scene: "Monica and Rachel were fighting over who got the last condom. They stood in the bathroom, playing rock paper scissors, as Richard and Ross waited outside of their girlfriends' respective bedrooms. The studio audience roared with laughter and I smiled, too, as much at the familiarity of a Friends episode as at the dialogue. Then I glanced at my 10-year-old daughter, who was curled up on the other end of the couch, a quizzical expression on her face. She looked at me. 'What's a condom?' Hannah asked." You gotta take your teachable moments when they come! Find out how she handled it. — Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor |