Thursday, July 7, 2022

Don’t Let Your Teen Leave Home Without These Life Skills

Scary Mommy
Jul 07, 2022
Don't Let Your Teen Leave Home Without These Life Skills
It's easy to get bogged down in day-to-day stuff when your kids are young. But then, all of a sudden, they're adults responsible for paying their own electric bill and a million other things. Will they be ready? 

Jessica G. Hartshorn realized that, when her kids were little, "I focused more on reaching each evening rather than preparing my two kids for adulthood, which felt far away," she writes. "Every day was hitting marks and trying to stay on top of whatever was going on. I realize now that I forgot to tell them so much adult stuff." Today she's laying out some of those essential skills, so the rest of us can start now. Check it out and reduce the likelihood of getting panicked calls from your kid when they're 22 and living four states away.

— Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor
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Presented by Leaplife
Life Insurance Made Simple
When it comes to our family's welfare, we here at Scary Mommy don't want to take any chances. That's why we are so excited about our partner LeapLife. They offer a fast and easy way to get matched with personalized life insurance policy quotes. Start and finish the process online – from the comfort of your couch. Some policies don't even require a visit to the doctor.
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Just Let Them Wear The Costume. It's Fine.
We've all been there: five minutes before you have to walk out the door for an event or an appointment, and your kid is demanding to wear a pair of princess shoes, or a superhero cape, or even a full costume. For Hampton Williams Hofer's son, it's an Incredible Hulk wetsuit. But she makes a pretty good argument for just saying yes – and you might be surprised at what happened when she did.
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What We're Reading
What Exactly Are Minions, Anyway?
A 1980s Parenting Style Can Build Self-Reliant Kids This Summer
The New Face of Working Parents
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