Monday, October 25, 2021

[New post] Kekacauan Apa Lagi Yang Akan Dibuat YAQUT Besok?

Redaksi posted: " Oleh: M Rizal Fadillah (Pemerhati Politik dan Kebangsaan) - (MBC) Bandung, Akhirnya kedewasaan dan pemahaman agama Menteri Agama Yaqut Cholil Qoumas terpaksa DIPERTANYAKAN. Tidak ajeg kebijakan Kementeriannya. Te"

[New post] Governor Ron DeSantis Offers Incentive For Police Officers To Relocate To Florida

Heather Wampler posted: " Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has a plan to relocate police officers who have been terminated for not complying with Covid vaccine mandates in other states. DeSantis slammed government officials who want to fire health care workers and law enforcement"

[New post] A whirlwind of a couple of months

smmclaughlin95 posted: " I've been quite absent from this space recently, and for good reason. In the last month, Patrick and I bought our first home and moved out of our tiny apartment into our beautiful new condo. On the same day that we closed on our home, Patrick's dad had a"

[New post] Knott’s Scary Farm Delivers The Screams, Tickets Still Available

ThrillNetwork posted: "BUENA PARK, CA —There's a chill of fall in the Orange County air signaling that Halloween is not far off. If you're anywhere around Knott's Berry Farm after dark, chances are you'll hear the shrieks and screams of fright and delight at this year's Knott's"

[New post] A Solid Start for a New Spy Thrillride

ThrillNetwork posted: " A Solid Start for a New Spy Thrillride - ToysMatrix &"

I Thought I Knew What Happens During A Miscarriage.

I was wrong. Jan. 24, 2025 Kseniya Ovchinnikova/Moment/Getty Images still processing I Thought I Knew What Happens During A Miscarri...