Tuesday, February 14, 2023

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I Have 4 Kids Under 10. Here’s One Thing I Know.

Feb. 14, 2023

I Have 4 Kids Under 10. Here's One Thing I Know.

Happy chocolate's-already-on-sale-at-CVS day! Today we've got a sweet and nicely timed piece from Samm Davidson about showing affection to her kids. You see, she's learned a little something from having four of them, spread out across several stages and all with their own unique personalities. Every night, she lies awake and thinks about how the day went: "It often feels impossible to be satisfied with my performance – with four kids ranging from two to nine, the details and moments of our current life are chaotic, and messy." But she asks herself one question, and it helps clarify what she actually needs to do.

It's pretty simple, but oh so important. Read it and think about how you're already applying it yourself.

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor

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To All The Newly Single Moms

"If you are newly single or going through a divorce, I get it. This time of year is hard," writes Katie Bingham-Smith today. "You just got through the holidays, and now you're faced with a day of love that, let's face it, is way too focused on couples. It's all ads for jewelry and special dinner-date menus and (uncomfortable) red lacy lingerie and red roses." If that's you, she's got some suggestions for how to take care of yourself this year, from somebody who's been there.

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What We're Reading
To My Daughters On Valentine's Day: Will You Always Be Mine?
The Struggle And Joy Of Finding Love Again Later In Life
I Thought A Relationship Would Make Me Happy. Then I Learned To Love Myself.
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