Saturday, October 16, 2021

[New post] Tru2Day925

Tap posted: " Healthy doesn't mean a salad. Healthy isn't a measure of weight. Being healthy involves your mind, spirit and heart just as much as it involves your body. Each person's version of healthy is different. Sweets don't make you unhealthy but sadness will. "

[New post] I’m getting mighty tired of this

Steve Mitchell posted: " Wordpress has changed things up again. I had a haiku written for tonight but i I can't get it to format the way I want it formatted. So I deleted the post. I don't have time right now. I'll have to experiment tomorrow. Why, Wordpress, why? Why"

[New post] Terra Terra

Steve Mitchell posted: " in the aira fleet memory ofanalog days —— © Steve Mitchell 2021 "

[New post] A Government with No Sense of Right & Wrong

taurusingemini posted: " Commentary, on the current situation in this country here, the head of states, with no sense of what's right and what's, wrong, and the people still followed their leads here, off of the Front Page Sections, translated… There can be the hits and misse"

The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...