Thursday, September 30, 2021

[New post] Cod Fillet with zucchini tagliatelle

Ryan Rios posted: "Cod Fillet with zucchini tagliatelle "

[New post] Videos: Sunday Morning Live, Celebration of Ministries Sunday, September 26, 2021

Keith Holeman posted: " Sermon @ 11:30 a.m., September 26, 2021: She Was Taking a Bath "I wonder … what would Bathsheba's telling of the story look like? I can scarcely imagine … and yet I know there are those among us here who can imagine only too well. Who have your ow"

[New post] Videos: Sunday Morning Live, Homecoming Sunday, September 19, 2021

Keith Holeman posted: " Sermon @ 9:00 a.m., September 19, 2021: Reimagine Sermon by Mike Kinman from worship at 9:00 a.m. on Homecoming Sunday, September 19, 2021 at All Saints Church, Pasadena. Readings: II Samuel 1:17–27 and John 16:16–22. The song "Reimagine" written "


Redaksi posted: " Oleh: M Rizal Fadillah (Pemerhati Politik dan Kebangsaan) - (MBC) Bandung, Keledai (donkey, himar) digambarkan sebagai hewan yang BODOH tapi KERAS KEPALA. Kebodohan keledai diungkap oleh penulis Yunani Homer dan "

[New post] September 2021 Books #AmReading

Ritu posted: " Right, so it's the month we head back to school. Highly unlikely that I'll hit the giddy heights of twenty books, like last month, but, then again, I am hoping that when I have spare time that I might just write, too, this month! On a Night Li"

[New post] Easy way to learn Table of 7 by Anshu madam – Atech Classes

Atech Academy posted: " A 7 times table is often visible in the real world as the number 7 is often used. The number of colors in a rainbow, the number of days in a week, the number of continents in the world, all account to 7 ATECH ACADEMYT"

The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...