Friday, December 23, 2022

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I've Completely Taken All Religion Out Of Christmas

Scary Mommy
Dec 23, 2022
I've Completely Taken All Religion Out Of Christmas
Every time I drive by a nativity scene I have a similar thought to what our very own Sarah Aswell describes in the opening of her latest piece: "When my daughter was five, we drove by a nativity scene and she asked me what it was. 'That's a scene depicting the birth of Jesus Christ,' I informed her. She couldn't stop laughing at what I had said. 'What's so funny?' I asked. 'Jesus Christ is what you yell when you're frustrated!' she explained." 

It's a great story! And she pivots to an important discussion about making the holidays meaningful, even if you aren't religious. Check it out. 

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor
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My Kids Are Too Big For Christmas Magic, And It Kinda Kills Me
It's an adjustment, that's for sure. Read more.
This Dog Is The Most Helpful Big Sister To Her Human Newborn Twin Sisters
A dog named Lucy has gone viral on TikTok for how helpful she has been with her new human sisters. Read more.
yes, please
11 Trader Joe's Items That Double As Last-Minute Stocking Stuffers
Just gonna leave this here in case you need to double-up on some errand stops. Read more.
House Fires Are Common Over The Holidays — Take These Safety Measures To Avoid Them
With all the joy the holidays bring, they can also bring along mishaps, with electrical fires being one of the most common — holiday lights cause more than 770 house fires every year. Turn off tree lights and other decorations when you go to bed or leave the house, and make sure smoke detectors are in working order. For more tips to keep your family safe this season, State Farm is here with 12 of the most common holiday mishaps and how to avoid them.
We Interviewed Mummy Pig From Peppa, And — Surprise — She Rules
Recently, Scary Mommy got the chance to talk to Morwenna Banks, the voice of Mummy Pig. And we're happy to report she's delightful: "I've done a lot of children's animation, but this particular one, as it's grown and evolved, it's always kept its integrity," she says. "Now, looking back, I can really see what was so special about it. But at the time, I was just like, 'Oh, I hope it works. I really hope it works.'" Check it out.
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What We're Reading
Our Family's Christmas Rituals That Have Nothing To Do With Presents — Or Religion
How To Get Your Inner Critic To Shut Up
Why Don't Brands Care About Plus Size Kids?
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The State America's in

The other America that still wants the Donald in the Oval Office. I wonder what they're going to do. But the Democrats no longer do c...