"I brought it to work and shared it with coworkers the very next day after reading it." -Me (am I allowed to quote myself from my own review? Ha!)

There is so, so much to love about Hold That Thought! By Bree Galbraith. It is artistic. It is thoughtful. It is relatable. And it has non-binary representation in a curious and confident main character, while not making that the plot of the story. They get to just BE in this book. Win win win.

Finn (they/them) wakes up suddenly with a big idea. It's so exciting that it keeps them awake.. and grows. When Finn bravely takes their idea and shares it, it begins to inspire others! However, sometimes when we are vulnerable and let others see our hearts, it can open us up to moments of doubt. Finn is able to push past the temptation to hide, and find the strength and confidence to keep sharing.

There is some absolutely stunning artwork by Lynn Scurfield in this book (go to that last slide!) and it's such a joy to read. I brought it to work and shared it with coworkers the very next day after reading it.

Recommended ages 4-8.

I purchased this book myself. Opinions are my own. Published by Owl Kids.

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