We all became like that pet, whose owners are too afraid that we go "missing", you know, wandered off, and never come back home again, that we got that GPS scanner code on us all now.

Tracked down, by the GPS, of my own, cell phone, but, I didn't, activate, NOR set this "function", and yet, once every month, the almighty, GOOGLE would send me this, "notice" of sorts, "covering" where I'd been for the month…

leaving that, electronic, footprint wherever we go right now in this country, with this...

we're supposed to use the CDC LINE account to scan this, everywhere we go now...image from online

And that makes me wonder, if I'm tracked down that easily, without even SETTING up the cell phone trackers, how easy can it be, for the government, to TRACK my, whereabout?  Especially when we're, required, to use LINE to scan the barcode outside the shopfronts, as a measure of, getting our "foot tracks" known by the government, for the sake of MER-CoV tracker.

Tracked down, by the GPS, of my own cell phone, how the HELL did that happen?  I mean, so, if I spent, a little too long inside the public bathrooms, does that mean, that by the time I'm done, doing MY business, there would be, a huge gathering of crowd, outside, wanting to know exactly, just what happened in there (the toilet), and why did it take that long for me to go???

What the @#$%...it's official now, we're, TRACKED by our, government, in this age of, absolute NO PRIVACY here!!!

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