Not enough trained professionals, short-staffed here!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The clerk in Taoyuan asking a customer to mask up, and got stabbed to death, the legislator of the KMT, Chiang insisted on freezing the budgets, criticized harshly, "The government does NOTHING to patch up the holes in the nets of security in the society".  In recent years, the forced hospitalization cases are on the declines, the serious mental patients are numbered to over 35 million in population, and yet, there are, less than two hundred medical treatment professionals who are making the at-home visits, on average, each of the professional staff is in charge of, close to two hundred patients.

The newest psychological wellbeing research from the Department of Sanitation Welfares showed, that there are 7,809 severely mentally ills patients, but, there's a reduction by thirty-percent of those in need of hospitalization by force, and there were only fifty-two cases of community treatment last year.  And, there are a total of 125,319 individuals who are under the radars of registered patients in need of home visits, but there are less than two hundred caretakers.  Chiang told, that the ratio is one caretaker per 198 patients, and that we are, far, far behind other developed countries.

In treatment, there are, currently, 1.39 million registered mental patients, of them, 100,000 are schizophrenics, of them, about 60,000 are into the treatment programs, but the actual number is less than 20,000.  The head of health insurance agency, Lee stated, that the office is gong to go by the hepatitis C program, and budget in more money toward the care of schizophrenic patients, and encourage the hospitals to prescribe a longer-term dose, to raise the rate of treatment locally.

And, that, is how it goes, not enough social workers, professional visitors, which means, that those who are in need of treatment don't get it, and, schizophrenia needs to get treated, or, it'll, worsen, and, escalate to, murder, and, these murderers with mental conditions are more than likely to get away, on reasons of, "insanity", and this, in part, is by the government's, NOT budgeting enough into the personnel staff members from the social work realms.

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