Today is my birthday!!! 

I am 58 years old and I have had my fair share of happiness and I have also had my share of sadness. 

Some of the highlights include, getting married, the birth of the Boy, the day the Boy married his Bride, surviving brain surgery and subsequently kicking cancer's ass.  I have experienced love.  I have listened.  I have shared.  I have many good friends and I believe I have been a good friend. 

I have laughed- A LOT, sometimes until I cried. 

I have cried, tears of joy and tears of sadness. 

I have sung songs; I surprise myself sometimes with all the lyrics I remember! 

I definitely believe that the good times have far outweighed the bad.  

I believe this is true because of my attitude. 

Everyone has a choice in life, to be joyful and happy or miserable and sad. 

I choose joy! 

I haven't always been this way; I made the choice to change years ago and have never regretted it! 

It wasn't always easy but it was worth it. 

As I grow another year older, I know love.   

I know that I am loved. 

I know how to give love. 

I know how to support and tell people they are loved. 

I have had many adventures… 

Pajama day with the Boy watching Harry Potter 

Snowshoeing in the Rocky Mountains 

Whitewater rafting 

Ziplining-once was enough, thank you 

Swimming with dolphins 

SNUBA and snorkeling 

Seeing the Great Smoky Mountains 

Key West, Tennessee, Kentucky, Wisconsin 

Going on a cruise, riding on a train, flying in a plane 

Hayrack rides and bonfires 

Parties and weddings 

Coffee on the street people watching 

Many concerts 

Taking photographs 

Meals with friends 

All of these adventures have given me lots of joy. 

My birthday begins another year of adventures.  

I'm looking forward to it. 

My birthday wish for you is that you also have many adventures of your own!! 

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