Friday, April 19, 2024

We are Ludo - Friday 19th April 2024

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Hello Ludo Community

I hope you are having a good week!  The kids are all back to school which is a relief for any working parent.  The holiday juggle was slightly challenging to say the least in my house!  The final few days I had not organised clubs or childcare, and did some iPad parenting to get my calls done.  I was interrupted more than once on a call by my son, and for once felt authentic about my family environment.  I felt one of my last few drops of corporate conditioning leave me in that moment.  At Ludo we talk about real life, and the authenticity of each individual being part of their work life. If we mask and hide things away, we are not bringing our whole self to work. I know I have been this person in the past, and I am still am in some scenarios.  Navigating this personally and in the work we do with companies motivates me for a better future, where the authentic self if not just accepted but encouraged. 
Today we have a blog to help you use your voice effectively, and a free mini masterclass next week on how to Own the Space with your voice.  I have written a blog on quitting sugar for 3 months and how it impacted how I felt, my body and my sleep. 
Have a great rest of the week!

Anne Leatherland – Life Coach and Voice Expert

A great read from Anne, a seasoned life coach and voice expert with over 27 years' experience. Throughout her career, she's had the privilege of guiding individuals in personal growth, self-belief, and effective vocal techniques. Her holistic coaching approach merges body, mind, and "Self" energies to help clients discover their distinct voice, overcoming confidence obstacles, and she's developed a unique methodology to do this.

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Vocal Intuition – Owning the space

Anne has created a mini masterclass to help amazing women in business who want and deserve to be truly heard. In the masterclass she'll be discussing three problems that women typically encounter when aiming to speak and hold space. 

This a free mini -masterclass, repeated monthly on various dates.

The next will be on April 24th from 12.30 – 13.30 

Find out more >>>

I Quit Sugar

At the start of the year I made a decision to suit sugar for a month or two.  There were a handful of reasons for this radical move.

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