the guy, getting his, however many minutes under the SPOTLIGHT! Photo from online

The STUPIDITY of this government of ours, still waiting our (I PAID my taxes too here, you know???) money!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The head of legislation, Su introduced to the people, the blown up copied version of the five-times voucher: where the glow-in-the-dark fibers are used, where are the watermarks, etc., etc., etc., and the places where the color-changing prints were used.  He was really, enthusiastic, which showed, exactly, why the five-times vouchers are, impractical; and, there are, a lot of the vouchers that won't even, touch our hands yet, and get sent into, the shredders.

The three-times vouchers, and the five-times vouchers, are all short-lived products that can only be used once, and tossed out, totally against the environmentally-friendly claims.  The more pretty the printing looked, the more costly, which goes to show, how the government is, waste even more of the taxpayers, money.  The printed bills by the Central bank on average, gets twenty-two exchanges of hands per bill, the thousand dollar bills about two and a half years.  But, the five-times, and the three-times vouchers are all used, only once, for some, they don't even get touched by our hands, and, get send into the shredders.

and, here are, what those, costly, environmentally, UNfriendly, cash vouchers look like...

in the amounts of $200 and $500 N.T.s

For two consecutive years, Su pushed for the vouchers program, it doesn't mean that he cared a bit about the economy, what he enjoyed, was being under that spotlight, gaining everybody's, attention.  It's the preshow advertisements now, and, as the vouchers get passed out, another round, watching how we have to, stand in the line, to get the vouchers, it make him, ecstatic, how many shows of getting him self onstage, how could he possibly be willing to, just WIRE the five-thousand dollars CASH into our accounts?

The Five-Times Vouchers are printed on the high-end papers imported from Europe, the printing on each sheet is three dollars, and the cost of the entire program is over $20 billion N.T.s.  And although, it wasn't our trees that were being chopped down, but Taiwan is chopping the trees from the rest of the world, on EARTH, and, as the Taiwanese only used the vouchers once, they get sent to the shredders, isn't it, completely, insane?  What's ironic is, the printing and the shredding of the vouchers are done by ONE single agency, one hand, in life, and death.

Su does NOT have the concepts of sustainability, and environmentalism, and, who will, appreciate his means?

And yeah, this is, the STUPIDITY of this, god damn, FUCKING (don't pardon me this time!) government of ours, and there's, NOTHING we the people CAN do about it, because we are, ENSLAVED here, hello, hello, hello???  Am I the ONLY one who gets this???

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