The Social Services of Hsinbei City estimates, that there is an increase of about a hundred young children placed by the social services annually, about eight hundred young children placed by the government, and cared for, by the government.  The manager of the Hsinbei Domestic Violence Prevention Center, Hsu stated, after the placements, the system will help the families of origin to readjust to be a good enough environment for the children to be returned back; and if it's confirmed that the families can't work, then, the children are, adopted out, the adolescents are trained to have a viable life skill that can help them live on their own.

Hsu told, that younger children who are placed out of their families of origin, means that the families aren't safe, without the provisions of proper care for them, after placing the children out, "restructuring of the families" is an important task, so the help in finding work, parenting lessons, and setting up a resource provision system, like patching up the relationship among the members of the families, to provide more resources needed to care for the children.

Hsu pointed out, that the children in foster care right now, a lot have physical or psychological problems, like the drug-addicted babies, with the symptoms of withdrawal, developmentally delayed, A.D.H.D., then they would need steady medical treatment interventions, and the early intervention measures; if the child in at school age, then, the system also helps them in adapting to their new schools.

social services iwth young children they need to place...

photo from online

This is, quite, contradictory, to the government's "complaints" of how there's a sharp drop in birthrate isn't it???  Children in foster care, in social services, trending now, off of the Newspapers, translated…

Hsu said, other than the children growing up, the parents also need to have added abilities to them, to find other families as resources for help in caretaking, as all the requirements are matched, then, the children will get, returned back to the families of origins.  But the return to the families of origin is by progression, from supervised visits, waiting until both parents and children are stabilized, then, the return home steps are taken, slowly, increase the time spend at one's own, families of origins.

Shortest, it's a few months, longest, the children may NEVER be returned to their families of origin, Hsu stated, that there were the families with children placed out, in a short time, found a strong enough set of resources, for instance, other family members with the money chipping in, in two short months, the young children were, returned; but there are also the cases of after four, five years, the children still didn't get returned back to their, families of origins too.

Hsu said, that if the families of origin are drug-addicts, with multiple times on record of prison sentences, then, these parents will get their parental rights, terminated, and the young children will get adopted out, from within the country, then, matching the children up with foreign families.  And, for children older than fifteen, and still couldn't go home yet, there are the plans to help the kids to pay for their own education, to find work too.

And so, this system is, set up, quite well, and, this is also, very awful, because these children in foster program are on the rise by the years, and most of whom came out of families with teenage mothers, who couldn't care for them.  This is the problem, that came out of teenage pregnancies, and there's a need, to get these younger generations more educated on the matter, so they don't keep on, cranking them babes out.

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