I don't know about your kiddos, Momma Hen friends, but my son is a huge fan of helping in the kitchen. If I'm cooking or baking, he's helping. Of course, there is a hindrance – his height. He can't reach the countertop on his own.

So I decided that we needed to do a quick little DIY to make my favorite lil' helper a step stool!

Here's what you need:

  • 1 Ikea children's stool (called Flisat)
  • 1 can of Kyrlon black flat spray paint
  • White craft paint
  • Paint brush (I prefer a sponge one)
  • Alphabet stencils

I'll be honest – ours is NOT perfect – but I love it for its functionality and because we made it together.

I started by opening up my boxed stool (which comes with screw-in legs). I laid the top of the stool on a piece of black plastic so I wouldn't end up spraying the driveway, and I screwed the legs into the box to hold them upright for painting. I spray painted everything black.

I let the sit in the sun and dry out. When I checked them, I made sure I got good coverage and resprayed any areas that needed it and let them dry.

Once all of the black paint was dry, I let my son help me stencil on the white lettering. We chose for ours to say "Lil Helper" but you could do anything – "Kitchen Aid" or a kitchen saying or "Sous Chef" or whatever works for you!

Once the white paint was also dry, I did touch up with a paintbrush and black around the edges of the letters. Then I screwed the legs on, and we were all set!

My little man is so happy to have helped with this – and to reach the counter! And it was all done in a day!

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