I definitely do NOT miss any of the pranks or hijinks that would often occur at work. One of my most famous obnoxious surprises at the office is captured in my featured image. Check it out.

Obnoxious Surprises at the Office - Pranks

I was minding my own business and the next thing I know, I found this creepy murdered stuff bear in my desk drawer. I was not very happy about it. And it's definitely a shock when you're not expecting it.

I eventually tracked down the person who did it. And it was a prank only - no other ulterior motives. They actually spent alot of time and effort on it as they had to create all the murdered bits of the bear themselves. Imagine if they spent all that time and effort on a work-related endeavor instead.

I'm very paranoid and uptight, so antics and pranks like that aren't my favorite. I start obsessing over WHO did it and WHY did they do it? Do they not like me? Am I being targeted?! Why are people in my desk drawers? What else could they be doing to me that I haven't discovered yet?! What's next?! Etc etc.

That's definitely what goes on in my mind when something like that happens.

But basically, I don't like being messed with. Joke or not. It just annoys me. And there's something about the office environment that makes some adults feel like they can run around like unsupervised children. It's ridiculous.

Do I sound uptight enough? I did a fun post earlier (link here) about which character from the TV series "The Office" I relate to most, and my answer was Angela. Lol, I probably sound alot like her right now.

Obnoxious Surprises at the Office - Cleaning Out Desks

Definitely one more thing that I do not miss about being at the office, is that when a coworker leaves us, we clean-out their desks. This leads to even more chances to find some unwelcome surprises at the office.

Usually we're looking for a treasure that we'd like to keep for ourselves, like maybe a new pair of scissors or a stapler that isn't jammed. But for the most part, everything left behind is trash.

One time a coworker left behind a nice framed photo of their family and kids. We actually called and asked if they'd like it returned to them somehow and they said "absolutely not". Lol, ok. That same photo and frame later made an appearance at the company's "Dirty Santa" gift-exchange that year. It was a very popular gift too. As I said, the frame was really nice.

The one thing I'll never forget in my whole life... is when we discovered that a coworker had been hoarding the office coffee cups! And we are still stumped to this day - WHY did he DO this to us?!

I have photos of our discovery, but I need to warn you - do NOT scroll down to see these pics if you have a weak stomach or if you are about to have breakfast...




I'll actually wish you all a great day here, in case you do heed my advice and exit now. Catch you later!!! Bye! 🙂










Obnoxious Surprises at the Office / Image Source: Pepper Valentine
Obnoxious Surprises at the Office / Image Source: Pepper Valentine
Obnoxious Surprises at the Office / Image Source: Pepper Valentine
Obnoxious Surprises at the Office / Image Source: Pepper Valentine