EigoMANGA has announced that it will publish Takahiro Yonemura's Beast Code manga, which is based on Yonemura's light novel series of the same name. Yonemura is the series' writer, Megumi Akita is the manga's illustrator, and Atsuo Kusada is translating the work. EigoMANGA plans to release the manga in November 2022.

The story of Beast Code is described as:

Beast Code tells the story of Raiki, a high school student, who transforms into a dragon because he was born with the "Beast Code DNA" that laid dormant within him and generations of other people for centuries. Raiki now struggles with his new abilities and clashes with others who also possess the Beast Code DNA but plan to use their powers for wrongdoing.

Conversely, Raiki's girlfriend Tomoko possesses DNA that instinctively compels her to battle against anyone who has the Beast Code DNA. What is the fate of this couple who are now forced to fight to the death because of their genetic code? Beast Code is an ambitious sci-fi fantasy that asks what dictates the destiny of people: love or biogenetics?

The Beast Code manga launched in Japan in 2017.

Source: ANN

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