We're 30 hours into life with a broken furnace. But at least we have space heaters and it's above freezing so the pipes won't freeze. And the kids thought it was the Best! Adventure! Ever! last night to sleep on the floor of our bedroom so we could all share the same space heater.

The puppy peed on my laptop. But at least it was shut at the time.

Passively heating the house with the oven and dryer means I'm getting lots of baking and laundry done.

I was doing pretty good finding the silver lining until my daughter spilled a full glass of water on my side of the bed, and then lied about it how much it was, so I thought the tiny cleanup I did this morning was sufficient. But now it's a half day later and I just crawled in to tuck my frigid bones under the covers only to come the slow, gradual, dawning realization that my butt was becoming ever more damp by the minute. I am sorry; that's the line. I cannot find one good thing about sleeping on a damp mattress on a cold night.

What a miserable day.