Having a pet for your child, it's, a wonderful thing, but there are, things that you need to consider, before you get that pet for your own child to have, off of the Front Page Sections, words of experts, translated by me…

The C.E.O. of the Kiwi Attention Learning Center, Liao and the secretary of Animal Protection Agency He suggested, through the illustrated books, to taking children to the animal shelters, can help the children know the animals more, to help them know if they really want a pet or not.  And if the families adopted a pet, then, the parents also needed to assist in the caretaking, to help the children get that sense of responsibilities build up, otherwise, children would give up on the feat easily, and, leaving all the caretaking up to the parents.

There are many benefits to having a pet for the kids, other than taking care of others, with that extra sense of companionship too, Liao stated, that hugging and patting the pets, it can increase the experience of sense of touch in your children, and can, calm them more effectively, and you can use the pets to teach the young about matters of life and death too.

He told, take for instance, the lifespan of dogs of thirteen-to-fifteen years, having a dog as a pet, can help your child experience the entire life cycle of the dog, it's, too precious, a life experience for them.

like this...

photo from online

But, the training of your children's responsibilities, and caretaking of the pets are, needed.  Liao told, other than confirming if your child has the drive to care for the animal, the parents can use the illustrated books to get the children to understand the habits of the animals they wanted to adopt, to make sure the children are, interested in having a pet.  And, if the family wants a pet, you can choose the options to adopt, and not buy.

He told, the parents can take a tour at the animal shelters with their young, many times, to make sure that the children really do want a pet, to NOT bring a pet home on the very first visit, and in the process of visiting the shelters, the children can become more educated on the life, the habits of the cats and dogs.

Liao told, that after a child turns nine, s/he will then become, completely, independent in her/his daily living routines, the parents should not hold too high an expectation for the child to care for her/his own pets on one's own, that the thought of looking after the animal together is absolutely, necessary; if you'd demanded that your child takes care of her/his pet all on her/his own, then, your child will give up on the feat easily, and in the end, it would be the parents who will be, looking after the animals.

Liao told, that at first, you can get your children started off on the easier animals, like fish, turtle, insects, etc., etc., etc.  But, there are different caretaking techniques for the variety of animals, a lot of parents are fooled into thinking, that birds are easy to care for, actually, the younger children aren't fitted to have birds as pets, because, the birds start eating nonstop when food became available to them, and the birds are often, stuffed too full that they'd died, because of the young children's, overfeeding them.

He said, the mix breeds, the local dog breeds in Taiwan, are easier to care for, that if the child wants a dog, these could be, the options.

So, having a pet for a young child, it teaches them responsibilities, and it teaches them the lessons of life and death, because the child will outlive the pet, and, by helping your young children grieve over the death of a beloved pet, it helps them mature into being.  Having a pet is something wonderful, for all the reasons mentioned above, plus, it gives your child a chance to experience, to give and to receive, unconditional love, but it's a huge responsibility, because if you don't get the rules set straight, then you the parents, will be the one, cleaning up after the pets your children wanted to have.

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