Thursday, February 1, 2024

We are Ludo - Thursday 1st February 2024

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Hello Ludo Community

This is an exciting moment for Ludo!  We are launching the LUDO COLLECTIVE – yippee! A community for HR, Wellbeing and DEI leaders.  The community will offer webinars, speakers, resources, reports, office hours on relevant subjects and so much more.  As a loyal follower of Ludo, we are offering 25% discount to join.  This is the inaugural month, when we kick off what will be something special and we could love to have you on the journey.  With 25% off this is just over £20 a month to help you grow and develop your network, and your career.  Use the code LUDOC25 at checkout to receive the discount.
Click here to sign up with 2 free trial days to get a feel for the space. 
The last couple of weeks have been busy with work stuff but health stuff too!  Did you watch the series on Netflix: You Are What You Eat?  It is worth a watch if you didn't!  During the documentary the participants have a DEXA body scan which gives all kind of health data.  You can read more about it in the blog.  If you are a data junkie like me, it's invaluable information and helpful for the fitness goals I have this year.  I have also given up sugar in January which has become easier as the days go on.  For anyone in the perimenopause journey and for anyone who has suffered burnout, I have learned cutting out sugar is great to support the adrenals. 

We also have a free masterclass from one of our brilliant Ludo partners Sheryll, find out more below
In other news my youngest was in the 'Young Voices' event in Birmingham last week.  On a Monday evening, 6000 children were united from various schools to perform.  Apparently a world record number of kids in a choir!  Overall it was wonderful, but for all you Mums who like your kids in bed on time, getting him home from the event at just gone midnight was horrendous.  As a WoMo you will get it!  I had a busy day of meetings the next day and a tired 8 year old was not what the doctor ordered. 
Welcome to February!  The month of love,

FREE Masterclass with our partner Your Tiny Voice

Midlife for women can be a tricky time. Our hormones are changing, and chaos can ensue. 
Why? Because there are hormone receptors all over.

If you're ready to make some impactful changes to your nutrition (and your life), click the link to register with Sheryl for her masterclass. 

Read more >>>

DEXA Bodyscan

Have you watched You Are What You Eat, a twin experiment, on Netflix?  If you haven't, I highly recommend it.  It is fascinating.  I wear an Oura ring, I think about what I put into my body (well most of the time anyway!) so body stats for optimum health fascinate me.

I decided to have a DEXA body scan, would you like to find out how it went? 

Read more >>>

The Ludo Collective 

This is an exciting moment for Ludo!  We are launching the LUDO COLLECTIVE – yippee! A community for HR, Wellbeing and DEI leaders.  The community will offer webinars, speakers, resources, reports, office hours on relevant subjects and so much more.  As a loyal follower of Ludo, we are offering 25% discount to join.  This is the inaugural month, when we kick off what will be something special and we could love to have you on the journey.  With 25% off this is under £25 a month to help you grow and develop your network, and your career.  Use the code LUDOC25 at checkout to receive the discount.
We are offering you a 2 day trial to get a feel for the space.

Sign up here >>>
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We Are Ludo
83 Dulcie Street
M1 2JQ
United Kingdom

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A tyrant for our times

I'd say Keir Starmer is too close to the powers of repression KEIR STARMER, THE MILD-MANNERED MENDACIOUS FANATIC LEADING U...