Green is the color of, COMMUNISM, or, DICTATORSHIP, shall I say, seeing how the DDP is, screwing this country over still!  Commentaries off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

This year, the celebration of National Day, the visuals, just as expected, the colors of our flag "red, white and blue" are, taken off, once again.  Since Tsai's party took office, the colors on the celebration of National Day had always been different, with the set color green, and this year, they called it "Democracy Green" too.  Green is assigned to springtime, earth, biodomes, peace, it's also, the traditional colors of the Islamic religion too; but, Tsai is a first, to connect the color green with democracy.

Tsai government avoided the colors of our flag in its uses of colors in celebration of National Day, in the name of becoming more creative, but, the government's selecting the color green gave it away.  Green is the color representing the DDP, meaning, that they wanted green to be our national color; adding the title, "Democracy Green", hinting, that only the DDP, ruling this country will, make this country "free".

But, does the DDP really, stand for democracy?  The government called out "democracy", but, its actions marched, leaned towards an authoritarian kind of ruling.  Using the claims of "changing the system", going after the party not in power; using the name of "national security", and, demolishing all other beliefs, not in line, with the party's own; using the excuses of fighting off false news, to take away our rights to free speech; and, turning all the independently operating facilities, into their own, and they'd even, locked that public voting session, back inside, the bird cages too, all of this showed, "using the claims of democracy, and going against what democracy entailed!"

the colors of the party in power of this country currently...

found online

Rather than calling it "democracy green", it's the DDP who has the ultimate right, to define, WHAT democracy IS.  During the rule of the DDP, democracy is only a false front, to fend for one's power of office, instead of something the government should fight hard to achieve.  The "Green Fears" had taken place of the "White Fear" since the over thirty year long democratizing of Taiwan; and, the "Democracy Green" became, its, biggest, irony!

The colors aren't right or wrong, but the government used an assortment of manipulative measures, to add that positive overtone to the party's colors; it's just, that even if the adjectives stacked up, it won't change a fact, that the DDP did NOT make the color green into the color of democracy, it'd made the color green, into, a huge, joke of, democracy instead.

And so, this, is how hard the government is, trying, to turn the country's people, by, feeding them all the party-related news, by brainwashing us, and we got no choice, as the freedom of the press is already slashed (from the T.V. news station getting pulled off the air awhile ago!), the news media is now, one solitary color: green, and there's, nothing that we the people can do about it, because the government is growing too powerful, and we the people, gave up our right to free speech, right to free press, to the government here.

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