Tuesday morning, I woke up so low, after yet another broken night's sleep. Buried anger that my daughter just isn't being tough enough or proactive enough with the solicitors, and if she would tune some of her natural bossiness, we could get the contracts done in a week. Wanting to write her a mother/daughter email rather than face off in case she backs off. We're both controlling and maybe I just can't handle not being in charge of all this. I feel she lacks experience and I know better.

Fed up with just wasting time here, filling days trying to find things to do. Stuck in this room, and all the extra dosh it's costing. If it hadn't been that Mark had an opening and we wanted to move before the restrictions changed for the worse, I would have hung on, less frustrated a bit longer. Everything just getting to me, I even ended up in tears, a rare thing for me.

Dave was brilliant and made me tell him all this. We decided to walk down to the Bay and have another look around. This time, we found the old docks. More information would be great, there was none there. We'd had a lie in, so we had at nearly lunchtime cake (yes GF Free) at a café, and chatted to an old lady about her old dog. We followed a sort of path by a hotel which lead us to a marsh area, where Swingle finally got a cooling dip. We then found ourselves on the round the Bay path, discussing which houses we would like to live in, finding out more of Cardiff. Near Cardiff dock, we found a restaurant and feasted on gammon and Dave streak and Ale pie -see my earlier comments! It took us about four hours and it really took me out of myself. We saw so much, ending back up on the barrage, where Swingle had a big swim. Aching feet, but a peace that we had found a great day out, weren't just killing time. Now crashed out again in the room. Almost the best day yet!

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