About Me

  • Know what's real in your head. Teach that to your heart.
  • Keep the big picture in the right light ... Eternity.
  • Know Who is in control.
  • Be kind to everyone. And to yourself.
  • Be okay with mistakes. Most of them are of little consequence. Worrying won't solve the real ones.
  • Slow down.
  • Solve the guilt stuff with truth and humility.
  • Savor the past, but only a little; the way is in front of you.
  • Expect less of the future; only God knows what's in it.
  • Appreciate the good in today. Don't sweat the dismal. Pray instead.
  • Be thankful in every situation. I'm not sure how this works, but it's a command in scripture, so go for it.
  • Control thyself. Stop triggering. Quit reacting. Wait, a little longer. It will feel different in a few minutes.
  • Let go of outcomes. They aren't yours anyway.
  • Pray about all of it to avoid overthinking any of it.