I just wanted to take a minute to tell you all about something new I tried this month.

Let's start with this is the pile of books that I own but haven't read. (To those of us who read a lot and talk about it online, my TBR pile).

My TBR pile

I know! It's ridiculous. I just love books. I feel like it's never money wasted.

Counting all the physical books and e-books I own, I have roughly 160 books that I own but haven't read. (For me that would take about 4 years, so still doable in my lifetime for all you haters). However, I have a tendency to read only the newly purchased ones. In order to make myself read some of the older ones, I put all the books in a spreadsheet and used a random number generator to choose my reading for the month of September. This is what I ended up with:

September's TBR pile

I usually pick 4-5 books at the beginning of each month to read. And in the fall, I tend to choose only 4 because NANO is coming up and I spend more time writing this time of year.

I enjoyed every book this month! It was nice to read a variety of genres too. I ended up with a YA adventure novel, a true crime book, a thriller, and a mystery. I recommend trying this for anyone trying to tackle their TBR pile.

Next month I'm choosing the pile with a theme, but in November, it's back to the random number generator and I can't wait!

Happy reading and writing today!