Today the day was pretty surprising. It did not went as expected a lot of surprises. First my internet connection was not working fine. Then server team surprised me by transforming my existing virtual desktop into new one. It took so much time that I was unable work. Finally when I got chance I completed some work and got a little relief then I completed some work to feel satisfied that I have done some work.

The biggest hype of today is that: Social Media is not working. By social media I mean product of Facebook is not working today. I don't know when did it happen because I was watching cricket and a commentator pointed out this. I felt it was around 8:30 pm or something. But the thing is I am writing this blog at 11:30 pm at it is still not working. I don't know what everyone else is doing. Because we are not connected. And the only way to know what the other person is doing is by calling that person.

I am used to using WhatsApp. I don't chat with any particular person. But I always check messages from groups. And I want to admit that I am missing it.

I don't know how we all got wired by social media that now we don't know how to interact with people without social media. Social media has now successfully wired us that we are actually dependent on it.

So today's learning: "Social Media is there to help us. So let's just get help from it without getting completely indulge into it."

Have a Great Day

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