I love writing about zero waste, cooking from scratch, and the blissful simple acts of living. The last six months have been about cleaning and rehabing the hoarder rental property. I enjoy blogging about traveling and homeschooling. Life has it's sorrows. My mother is very ill. We are able to fly out for while. I am praying there is time. I have been on the phone with family and with hospital managing her care.

Homemaking isn't always sweet bliss. There are days where a family member is ill, there are messes and repairs. Homemaking right now is keeping me from breaking down. I spent the morning canning tomatoes as I was teaching the tween's their lessons. I called to see if there was a change in my mother's condition, it appears to be worsing. It comforts me that I know tomorrow, I will get up and can beets and pumpkin. I will teach the children their lessons. I will care for our home. I will call the hospital for updates. Anixety is ruling my spirit right now. Cleaning has always calmed me. At the moment, I have a large harvest to tend to it. My mother would want me to be prepard for the winter for the children. There are so many things out of my control right now. I can control my inner and outer worlds in the moment. I have had many moments where I sobbed over what is happening with my mom right now.

It is soul-wrenching to see a parent suffer from vascular dementia along with eldery delrium. It is not uncommon for an older person to suffer from delirum in hospital setting. It should be clearing by now, however, the delrium is worse. Earlier in the day, she was talking like broken record. It did not matter what I said. Later in the day, she had forgotten how to eat. She ate a lemon, grimaced, yet, she couldn't say it was sour. By the end of the day, she couldn't put words together for a logical sentence. The only solace is that the nurse reports she seems content to be chatting in her own little world. Her behavior has dramatically changed over the last 7 days.

I truly feel that she is lost to me. I keep pleading with her to fight her way out of the delirum. I believe somewhere in her brain she can hear me. It is disheartening to realize that we may lose her mentally before her body gives up. I am hoping that as the literature states the delirum will ease. It may take weeks, or months, or the unthinkable, it may be her new norm. I noticed changes months ago. Yet, the changes were not enough for anyone to take steps to help her. Please if you notice changes in your elderly parents or friends be more proactive than I was. I thought we had time. I thought many thigns were simply normal aging.

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