The lovers, of a, past time, a mother's interactions with her sons…translated…

My set of, delusions, I suppose, it got started as MERS-CoV started spreading across Taiwan.

"Dad, mom, I will have classes starting tomorrow afternoon, in the morning, I will be picking up my living necessities, are there things you need me to pick up for you, do write it down for me."  After school started back in February this year, MERS took over the world, and, Taiwan had been tightened on keeping the virus out.  My husband and I are usually busy at work, and my youngest son still stays in school, and, for my son, who's doing research more than being in the lecturers, naturally, shouldered up the house's defenses against MERS-CoV.

Remembered, how at first, none of us is familiar with the protocols of the measures.  Every time my husband or I got off work, dragging our steps, set foot into our home, my son could always quickly pick up that spritzer bottle, to sanitize us, and reminded us the steps, the measures to take for our own, protections, until all the details of the steps became routinized.  And we always felt comforted when we saw our son.  When he is energetic, he'd prepared the suppers; when he's tired, we'd, broiled up some dumplings.  Luckily, he's more often energetic than he wasn't, and, most of times, neither one of us is picky with food.

"Mom, don't worry about it, I'll take out the leftovers in a bit.  The recycling materials, I'll sort through them before class tomorrow."

Often, by the time I got home, the leftover, the recycle materials, are all sorted out, and the clothes hung outside are all, taken in, and folded too, placed inside our room, like how I'd, normally done it.

For me, these simple days are, romantic; being with my family, safe and sound, that is, a huge, blessing.

illustration from


After the alerts got elevated in May, school pulled its session, and the offices shut down, my sons and I, stayed at home, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and other household chores, no need to assign anyone to, they all got, done.

It was Father's Day, the weather is sunny, and the outbreaks slowed down a bit, the family decided to go to the outside of the gym for a five to six laps outside, to allow that sun we hadn't seen in a long while to shine on us.

Just as usually, we'd started walking, and started chatting, I'd recalled, how it'll be Chinese Valentine's in a few more days, I'd blurted out, "boys, you are my lovers from a past life, stay by my side, and don't get married!", their father looked at me and smiled, "You have me, an old love, am I not enough for you!", I'd looked at my lovers, "come on, can't I just, have some fun here!", my sons used that exorcist's gestures, waved over my head, "mom, you can, get back to normal now!"

I think, my sons are, already, used to their mother's, crazy thoughts and words every now and then.

I knew, that this is, only, a mother's delusions.  Actually, my sons are just like any children, with their, stubborn sides, had their rebellious stages during their younger years too.  But I'm still, moved by their, many actions often, especially toward me, their mother.

a mother and her sons...

photo from online

And, it's no wonder, I would, carry this sort of a, delusion then.

And so, this is, the closeness of a mother and her sons, and, her sons are, very gentle, very kind, caring, and concerned toward their parents, and it's still due to how connected this family is regularly, because these sorts of interactions, just don't happen out of the blue one day, they must be set up, and they must become, a sort of a, ritual for everybody to get used to.

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