Wow has time just flew by! It's been a long time since I written something. Once the family vacation came.. I just been so busy after. I do apologize for not coming back earlier.

Today has been super stressful and hard. When you have a baby, you always prioritize them over yourself. I do that so often. He's been sick with strep and thrush and is currently on some medications.

I wanted to get back and kind of let you know how I am doing.

I am doing better than how I was. I believed I suffered from PPD but really.. writing things out really does something to me. I believe writing your feelings out helps you figure how you can cope with it and actually letting people know that "hey! I need help! Please listen and help me!" Mental health is something I always advocate for. You can't go wrong with it.

Almost 5 months after giving birth, I am so much better. I can't thank and do enough for all of you who just comes and reads what I say. Seriously, it's the best and I can't stop thinking of you guys.

I want to be able to help out others and give them a sense of purpose again. No one knows what's going to happen. No matter how much we try to plan out our lives. I went in with a purpose of having a natural birth and being full term. Instead, I got sick and had my baby early via c-section.

I wanted to let you know, if you're having a bad day or you feel as if you need someone to talk to. Please do not hesitate to talk to me. I am here. I am listening.

Depression is a serious thing. Please seek help! Do not wait.

You. Are. Important.

You. Are. Loved.