Ezekiel 36 verses 26 and 27:

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will place My Spirit within you cause you to follow My statutes and observe My ordinances."

God gives us a new heart and put a new spirit within us so that we can internalize God's Law and walk in His statutes.

Under the Old Covenant, God inscribes the law on tablets of stone; it was external, intellectual. a new heart indicates an inward sincere and genuine desire, and attitude and great determination to please God by abiding in His statues.

God's Laws are not draconian, after all He is our Creator and He knows what is the best for us all.

The New Spirit that is given to us as as empowerment to us is the the Wonderful Holy Spirit.

If we are forever dropping the moral standards of our laws, because we believe them to be too draconian, we are always shifting our moral standards, on which there will be very little to build a life with ethical purpose and being.

The New Spirit imparted to us ,and empowering us, is the same annotating power working in Jesus Christ when He resurrected from the dead. God did not leave us alone to deal with our sinful nature. he gave us the best Gift He could give us, The Spirit of Christ Jesus!

Live in the Spirit of Christ Jesus, and you will walk in God's purposes and destiny for our lives, and the curse of the law is abolished in you.

God Bless.

O F J.