The earthly scent of soil and the sea breeze were keeping the senses of Lara enchanted. It's been over a decade that she had felt the sea. Even being the Princess of Water, she was discarded to enter the sea, the reason being the curse she was born with. 

She kept her eyes closed, tightly, and her arms... opened. As if inviting the pleasantness of her element to herself. She knew that she couldn't touch the water and for that matter, she could touch nothing that seemed magical to her eyes on Earth.

"How long are you going to stay here, Princess?" The voice of the person accompanying her reached her ears but she didn't even bother to open her eyes and said from her place, "For all the time I have granted by his majesty. 5 Minutes." Her voice seemed as if she didn't care who she was talking to.

The person, the man, the King…. who seemed to her like the only reliable being was no longer occupying space in her mind.

"Don't you know that the time doesn't run at the same speed here?" and the question jolted her from her place… The voice of the king was calm, just like the moment he wished her "Happy Birthday" in her room.

She turned to face him, "Don't tell me that the time is already over?" Her eyes were confused as a feeling of betrayal set at the back of her throat. 

And then she saw him moving closer to her, her heart was skipping a beat but her expression stayed the same. She didn't learn to show her fear. 

"Where is the stone, Princess? Said the calm King taking the last step towards his fiance. It was visible in his eyes that he was not concerned by Lara's confusion. She clutched onto the stone in her hand tighter, "You lied to me….. Just like everybody else, you lied to me."

It was no longer the voice of command, anger, or fear… it was a squeaking voice. A voice that is heard when one feels hopeless.

"WELCOME TO EARTH, KING TAEHYUNG!" a loud and steady voice from behind the King came, making the two turn around and look at the source of the voice. 

A young, charismatic man, wearing some weird clothes, a plain white cotton cloth, like a jacket but a lot thinner and breathy with some round buttons in front. The pants seemed more peculiar. The fabric didn't seem breathy AT ALL.

What is this combination? And Why do those boots seem different? What is this? How can people wear such indecent clothes here? Were the questions running in the mind of the princess.

However, the King smiled and replied, "I hope you had a good time."

And the man, who now started to seem like an attendant of the King on Earth, looked back with a gleam of light in his eyes and reverted, "It's been so long. However, I wasn't expecting you so soon either." and then he stepped forward to hug the King.

How can someone hug the King? Who is he?  As if her mind was loud enough to be heard by the two men hugging each other. They both turned to look at her.

"Princess Lara, Meet my brother, Jungkook. The Lord of Earth." said the King quickly, understanding the wandering mind of the princess. Not knowing what to do, the princess quickly gave The Earth's Lord a bow while getting the one at the same time.

"And Jungkook, meet my f-"

"My name is Lara, Princess of Wincia." 

The interference seemed like a sharp cut more than the introduction as both the King and Lord looked at each other for a moment before returning the gaze to the princess.

"Well, I am guessing that you two need a change of outfit before exploring the surroundings."

Said the Lord who seemed more free-spirited now than he seemed to be a few moments ago. There wasn't any reason to stay the same anyway. The feud and the informalities between the "soon-to-be-wed" couple were screaming to make a show.

"No, I can't waste my remaining one minute in changing the outfit. You two have already taken 3 minutes." Another sharp remark came from the princess but this time it already made the young guy laugh and the elder guy hid his smile.

"You didn't tell her about the time difference?" The question wasn't meant to wait for the answer but the darting eyes of the princess from one to another finally made the king take this opportunity to get close to his princess.

"I'll be getting your clothes out." said the Lord and left or say vanished into the thin air which left Lara shocked. It took her three eye-rubs to finally realize that the Lord of Earth can vanish into thin air as if he had never been there in the first place.

"The time on Earth passes slowly." Another soft and gentle voice reached to the ears of Lara. She was still unsure of how the voice of a king could be so calming because she always heard the roar in those voices.

"Five minutes in our dimension means three hours on Earth." This time, even his eyes were softer.

EYES…. WAIT. These golden eyes are nothing like what she heard in tell-tales. The Gold of these was much more golden than the gold itself. 

"Will my eyes turn golden, too?", asked the princess.

"I mean… after.. .marriage?", the question first made his eyes go wide and then, almost closed that it became hard to see those golden pupils anymore.

"It will... But not after the marriage. It happens after the consummation." His eyes were still stretched but opened enough to see her expression. Her eyes were opened wide, without blinking, she was looking at him as he gave her the gravest of news.

"Is that why they all say we can't miss the wedding night?", her voice was trembling and the first time his eyes went dark.

It wasn't the first time that Lara saw an expression that grave but it was clear that she wasn't expecting it from him. Not after how he proved to be different from other kings. His stern expression made her take a step back with fear.

" I have responsibilities towards the kingdoms, and once you'll become the queen, you will have those too. I can fulfill all your desires as a fiance and husband, Princess Lara. But if your desires get in the way of being the King, then I might have to hurt your feelings."

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