Today the day went well. Completed very few tasks which includes one major task and others were very small tasks. I am actually expecting more from myself but I don't know why I am not able to pull out more, I am not able to deliver things as per my commitment.

Committing to a deadline and delivering things on that deadline is a form of respect for yourself. If you really respect yourself you will respect your time and also others time. Also when you complete things on time, then it gives you a satisfaction and it is also great for your self esteem.

For me wasting time is the thing we all need to unlearn and try to be more efficient. I am also in the same race of making best use of my time. I also feel that when you have a bigger purpose to achieve in life then automatically you don't waste your time and you start valuing your time more because you can't afford to waste time now.

I am may not be efficient when it comes to my office work but I feel I am quite efficient when it comes to my after job work hours. I am currently managing exercise, reading, writing and coding after completing my job. Reading and writing thing is perfectly on track, coding is something I introduced in my routine yesterday only and in exercise I am not really regular but I do go for walk when I don't have time for exercise.

So today's learning: "Delivering things on time shows that you respect your time."

Have a Great Day

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