How the government had, @#$%ED up, the reforms of education, and it will, SCREW the competitive edge of the students that are currently, in the "system", and these "kids" will become, who lead us tomorrow, and we're all, SCREWED here, and all of this, is the DDP's doing too!  On how the reforms of education got @#$%ED (maxed out!) up by the government, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Department of Education isn't Leisurely, It's Just, Running Around Like a Headless Chicken

Education needs to adjust with the times, and so, all of the civilized countries would have to reform the education means from time to time, as needed.  But, as the wrong directions are taken, and so apparent, yet, the education reforms still kept going ahead, Taiwan is, the very one that's doing this.

The U.S., due to the differences in economical backgrounds, there's, this sharp difference between the educated and the illiterate.  Back in 1965, the American Congress passed the "Middle & Elementary Education Amendments", to set up the basis of education, to help the students break out of the cycle of the socioeconomic status they were born in, so they can have better chances at a better future.  In 2001, President George W. Bush signed the No-Child-Left-Behind Act, hoping to reinforce the reading abilities, the math abilities, to prevent the students from getting eliminated by the society later on in life.  In 2015, the American Congress passed the "Every Student Succeed Act", which was signed by the former American president, Obama, to ensure the K-12 mandatory education of children is up to standards.  Seeing how the foundations of building the society in U.S. had lagged behind, how the traditional industrial cities are dying off, the differences of the occupations in the cities versus the rural areas, we can understand, the effects of the American legislations' amendments in education.

like this, the education reform in this country is doing, committing SUICIDE!!! Photo from online

Before the reforms of education here, the set up is on loosening the learning of the lessons, being happy in learning, totally opposite in comparison to the U.S.'s education reforms.  Considering how Taiwan's situation worked, the economic just started to take off, the highly competitive realms of climbing higher in education, this means of thought may be shallow, but understandable.  And now, as the students' happiness in learning is gone, the levels of the students are, slipping off that slippery slope, and, the stricter means of education, to make the citizens more capable for work later on when they start working, is about spent up completely, the competitive edge of this country is in, crisis, to the point of the leaders of the major industries are questioning the reforms in education now……seeing how the fires are burning too quickly, is the Department of Education still, leisurely?

Calling the Department of Education leisurely, isn't quite right, it's actually, too, busy, it's just, that its, running around like a headless chicken is, creating more problems.  Let's talk about two things that's happened this past year.  The 2019 Curricular Reform came up with this thing called "Learning Process Profile", and for the two years since its start, it'd caused the high school teachers and students to turn upside down, and in the end, the matter of "uploaded data profiles erased off the hard drives", too shocking; and, the entrance exam cut off grade point was too high, causing the students to score high, but not make the rosters, that they had to, take the entrance exams that came later on, or to get into the retest course tracks.  And, the exams of 2022 is to get turned into the level grading systems!  That way, the grades of between 84.43 to 100 are classified as level fifteen grades.  Actually, the goals of the two are the same—to lower the importance of the number grade, to blur the score differences between the high and the low.  But from the angle of getting the most qualified students into the universities and colleges, is this, a valid, method?

And so, this, is how the system of education reform, will mess up the students of today, which means, that we're all, SCREWED, because we're looking at this group of younger generations, running this country to the GROUND, and there's, NOTHING that any of us, ordinary citizens can do about it, because it's the government's doing, had it STUCK with its original methods of entrance exams, admittance to universities and colleges, then, at least, the children would not have lost, that competitive, edge, because from before, the students here all worked too hard, to get themselves, into, the hard-to-get-into universities in this country, and now, every couple of kilometers, there's, a community college, a university, a technical university campus, making education more accessible, but, the quality of education is reduced, greatly here.

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