Well, if you were in our neck of the woods on this 2nd of November, you would have enjoyed some massive snowflakes and even some accumulation!

I felt inspired to share my love of intuitively selecting oils and cards with you as a monthly inspiration!

The essential oil blend I created is based on grounding, intuitively selecting the oils and goodness it smells incredible! This could be a diffuser blend or a roller blend!

Douglas Fir - The Oil of Generational Wisdom
Laurel Leaf - The Oil of Triumpf
Grapefruit - The Oil of Honoring the Body
Copaiba - The Oil of Unveiling
Frankincense - The Oil of Truth
Roman Chamomile - The Oil of Spiritual Purpose

Douglas Fir, Copaiba, Frankincense are all very grounding. I felt the grounding theme that was coming through was wonderful as in my Chakra Mastery Academy I am in, this month is Root! Grapefruit is uplifting and also refreshing along with laurel leaf. I enhale laurel leaf and feel my breath and lungs beautifully open up! Roman Chamomile is beautifully calming, like literally taking a deep breath out in the freshest of nature.

I used this blend in our diffuser, it smells incredible. I call it Aligned Prosperity!

I am excited to share my planner and journal creations! I was looking for a planner which provided me with a simplified way to "plan" our lives. A planner that fit me for myself, as a wife and as a mom, along with any other relationships in my life.

Part of my Intuitive November is following my heart when I feel the passion. My artwork is on each of the covers. The books designed to be used together, a Planner from early morning until night. A rise and rest Journal which provides introspection, reflection, gratitude and understanding. Your Life As Art, truly my mantra! Whoever you are, your life should be like art, and that is whatever YOU find valuable!!!

The Planner is incredible! Monthly pages, budget pages, a full page for every single day of the year! The Rise and Rest Journal offers daily writing space for every day of the year as well as monthly health and wellness reflection as well as begin and end month reflection!

A sneak peak at a couple of the pages!!!

This is the... Your Life As Art Planner and Rise & Rest Journal 🤗🥳!

I am working with a local printer now and will be offering the books for sale in the near future to help map out and interpret the new year of 2022 ! The books I will be getting printed will have rings so they will be even more user friendly and will lay flat! I appreciate this as I prefer to have my entire year within the one planner and daily journal too! ❤

The card pulled came from Rebecca Campbell's - The Starseed Oracle deck, which I love!

Karmic Relationships

  • Polarity and Unity
  • Karmic relationships from Orion
  • Polarity causes conflict and highlights separation
  • Conflict can cause growth and unity
  • Too many misunderstandings caused when not opening our heart and mind
  • See things from a different point of view
  • May react because of our own woundings - then find mutual ground
  • We are all innocent children looking to be seen, understood and cherished
  • Its easy to react and take things personally
  • More challenging to see the innocence of all involved and find a way to grow closer through the conflict
  • Through relationships we grow the most
  • How can you soften your heart and drop defences
  • How can you learn to see the similarities rather than differences
  • Go Deep - Starseed Soul Inquiry --> What relationships do you find the most challenging? How can you see things from a different perspective? How are you being called to allow growth through conflict?
    (Source - Rebecca Campbell - The Starseed Oracle Cards)

I thank you for stopping by my website and wish you well this November! There is potential for breakdown as Elizabeth April says, but there will also be breakthrough! Learn to be in flow, allow yourself to feel any challenges or frustrations - you have to because burying anything will only fester. As you begin to wind down the year and welcome a new year, offer yourself grace and ease - time of true reflection of, you! The past 20 months or however long its been, has shown how crucial human connection is to humanity and as well how important nature and holistic measures are to our mental health. If I can offer you any guidance this November - the first person to always listen to, is who you hear when you get quiet with yourself. True healing begins and true healing is lifelong, we get stronger everyday! If we walk into this month knowing, yes there is shit happening in the world, how can I bring more light towards... to shine out into the world? As we truly are, our best self, this reflects outward. As one person we each alone cannot "fix" anyone else, but ourselves, with deep understanding.

Healing can happen in a variety of ways, one thing I have learned is to do what is natural to you. I can admit I tried to love working out first thing in the morning, I just don't. I much rather enjoy a nice relaxing, peaceful slow paced morning, which is amazing because that is what feels aligned to me!

Any question about oils, Im happy to help. I truly love the emotional aspects of the oils and have learned over the years to trust myself with my selection, that it would always be what I need in that moment.