So... I'm definitely one of those people that NEED to make a Christmas shopping list in order to stay sane during this HUGE endeavor. I'm still anxiety-ridden and stressed-out over it, but having the list does noticeably help.

I like to list out WHO, and if I come-up with any ideas that I want to pursue for them, I'll list those ideas too. But the best part of having this list, is I can scratch stuff OFF it as I go. That's where the satisfaction comes from, being able to scratch stuff off it. Feels so good.

With the exception of my daughter and the few kids on my list, I really have the most difficult family to shop for. Because on the one hand, there's nothing they NEED; and on the other hand, they already go and buy for themselves immediately anything they WANT. So when it comes to gifting anything for them, it just feels like it's such a waste.

But the real problem is that their love language IS gifting while mine is decidedly NOT. And they are quite easily offended if I fail at either 1) gifting them something on-par with their tastes, or 2) showing immense appreciation for whatever they gift to me.

So this is why Christmas stresses me out so much. It's certainly not pleasant. How's the Christmas-shopping experience for you all?

Below is my Christmas shopping list so far. Lol, I haven't come up with any good ideas for all the people on my list yet. I'll try to look around online and see what I can find...

1 Husband
1 Daughter
1 Adult Step-Son
1 Mother-In-Law
1 Father-In-Law
1 Mom
1 Dad
1 Brother
1 Sister-in-Law
1 Adult Niece

3 Child Nieces/Nephews - DONE!
3 Teachers - DONE!
2 BFFs of my daughters - DONE!