Ha, you probably thought I was going to take you on an adventure through my first dance, kiss, or something unspeakable... not. I want to share with you my first actual glowforge project from start to finish... I had done some work with the glorforge but not from the very beginning of working with someone to create something that they love.

I have cousins, distant cousins, that are amazing. Majority of them have started their beautiful families before we had added to ours, except for the youngest. She is one of those bright lights who came along quite a bit later than her first two siblings. I remember when she was a toddler and holding her with her bright locks of blond hair, at that age she was such cute perfection. And like all things she grew up and became an even more radiant version of that in adulthood. Daily she brings joy and beauty into the world giving people the pampering and haircare to look their best (truth is, I am hoping to become a regular on her calendar when I step into the world of real estate, but again that has been delayed a little bit).

Around St. Patties Day, she and her husband made the announcement of a new addition to the family. Needless to say, I was thrilled to see them preparing the way for a little one and also no long after that we found out we were expecting... two littles around the same age in the family!! That was very exciting after our long journey moving north to be closer to family. And when it came to getting her a gift from my grandma and I, I HAD TO TRY OUT THE GLOWFORGE and the design program I would be using... So we started the process of a creative journey. I sent her a few options: name board, announcement board and she went with the announcement board.

I used Inkscape because it is a free program. Let me tell you about a learning curve... I am over here thinking it will be as easy as paint on the computer... hahahahahaha, not. There are these words that don't make any sense to me and little squares and all kinds of things just going on and to add to it, everything has to be formatted a certain way once it is loaded into the Glowforge... otherwise you could cut something you might have only wanted to engrave or score. But I am ready to learn even more after this project!!

I chose some greenery options and some fonts and I hopped to designing some drafts. I sent these over to my cousin and let her decide what was going to fit into the theme of the nursery and such. And finally, after about a week... it was designed and ready for the glowforge. Now I have made projects since, but I had to keep a secret because this little girl's name had not been revealed to anyone in the family!! And it is beautiful and fitting because often when I think of my cousin, I think of the joy that she radiates! And now her little one has that in her name!!

So here it is... I used a 1/4 Maple with the preset glowforge settings and I LOVE IT! And I hope they all love it, too! But most importantly, regardless of this piece of artwork this little girl is being born into an amazing family and will be so blessed!

It is always so awesome watching the creations being created by the lazer... LAZER!

And the final product... drumroll, please!!

Want something like this? Talk to me!!

Thinking of getting a glowforge? I have a discount code below!!


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